MC4SOFT Microsoft D365

D365 Modules

D365 CE is a powerful, flexible business solution that can help companies of all sizes streamline their operations and drive growth. It consists of a number of different modules that provide specific functionality to support different aspects of your business.

Some of the key modules in D365 CE include:

D365 Sales: This module provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help sales teams manage their activities, from lead generation to closing deals. It includes features like lead management, opportunity tracking, and sales forecasting.

D365 Service: This module helps service teams deliver outstanding customer experiences by providing tools for managing cases, tracking service levels, and providing self-service options to customers.

D365 Field Service: This module enables field service teams to manage their work efficiently and effectively, with features like scheduling, dispatch, and mobile capabilities.

D365 Marketing: This module helps marketing teams create and deliver personalized, data-driven campaigns across multiple channels, including email, social media, and web.

D365 Project Operations: This module provides a range of tools to help project teams manage their work, including project planning, resource management, and task tracking.

D365 Omni-Channel: This module enables businesses to provide seamless, consistent experiences to customers across multiple channels, including in-person, online, and over the phone.

D365 Viva: This module provides a comprehensive solution for employee engagement and collaboration. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Viva includes Viva Topics, Viva Insights, and Viva Connections, which utilize AI and Office 365 data to improve productivity and communication. Together, these solutions aim to increase employee engagement and collaboration within an organization.

Each of these modules offers a range of benefits to help your business succeed.

Contact MC4Soft Technologies to learn more about how D365 CE can support your specific needs.

About Microsoft D365

D365 Sales is a powerful, comprehensive solution that helps sales teams manage their activities and drive growth. With a range of powerful features and integrations, D365 Sales can help your business improve its sales process and deliver outstanding results.

Here are just a few of the key benefits of using D365 Sales:

  • Improved productivity: D365 Sales provides a range of tools to help sales teams work more efficiently and effectively. For example, it allows users to track opportunities, manage leads, and forecast sales, all from within a single, intuitive interface. This makes it easier for sales teams to focus on their core activities, rather than spending time on administrative tasks.
  • Enhanced collaboration: D365 Sales is designed to support collaboration and teamwork. It provides tools like shared calendars and task lists, as well as real-time notifications and alerts, to help sales teams stay in sync and work together more effectively. This can help teams avoid duplication of effort and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Better customer insights: D365 Sales integrates with other Microsoft products, like LinkedIn and Office 365, to provide a 360-degree view of your customers. This allows sales teams to see all of the relevant information about a customer in one place, including their interactions with other departments and their past purchases. This can help sales teams tailor their approach and deliver more personalized, relevant experiences to customers.
  • Increased sales: With D365 Sales, sales teams can focus on their core activities and work more efficiently, which can help drive growth. The solution provides tools like lead management, opportunity tracking, and sales forecasting, which can help teams identify and pursue the best opportunities. Additionally, its integration with LinkedIn and other products can help teams generate more leads and convert them into customers.
  • Flexible deployment options: D365 Sales is available as a cloud-based solution or as an on-premises installation, so you can choose the deployment option that best suits your business needs. This allows you to take advantage of the benefits of D365 Sales without having to make major changes to your IT infrastructure.

Overall, D365 Sales is a powerful solution that can help your business improve its sales process and drive growth. By providing a range of tools to help sales teams work more efficiently and effectively, and by offering flexible deployment options, D365 Sales can help your business deliver outstanding results.

D365 Marketing is a powerful, comprehensive solution that helps businesses create and deliver personalized, data-driven campaigns across multiple channels. With a range of features and integrations, D365 Marketing can help your business engage with customers in new and effective ways.

Here are just a few of the key benefits of using D365 Marketing:

  • Personalized experiences: D365 Marketing allows businesses to create highly personalized experiences for their customers. It uses customer data and insights from other Microsoft products, like LinkedIn and Office 365, to create targeted, relevant marketing messages. This allows businesses to deliver the right message to the right customer at the right time, which can help drive engagement and conversions.
  • Multi-channel support: D365 Marketing provides support for a range of channels, including email, social media, and web. This allows businesses to reach customers wherever they are and to deliver consistent experiences across all channels. This can help businesses build stronger relationships with customers and improve their overall customer experience.
  • Easy campaign management: D365 Marketing makes it easy for businesses to manage their marketing campaigns. It provides a range of tools to help businesses plan, execute, and measure their campaigns, all from within a single, intuitive interface. This allows businesses to quickly and easily create and manage their campaigns, without having to rely on multiple tools or complicated processes.
  • Advanced analytics and reporting: D365 Marketing provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities that help businesses understand the impact of their marketing efforts. It allows businesses to track key metrics, like engagement and conversions, and to generate reports that provide insights into the effectiveness of their campaigns. This can help businesses optimize their campaigns and improve their results over time.
  • Integration with other Microsoft products: D365 Marketing integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products, like LinkedIn and Office 365. This allows businesses to take advantage of the rich customer data and insights provided by these products, and to deliver more personalized, effective marketing experiences.


One of the key benefits of D365 Marketing is its powerful segmentation capabilities, which allow businesses to create targeted, relevant marketing messages that resonate with their customers. With D365 Marketing, businesses can create segments based on a wide range of criteria, including customer demographics, behavior, and interactions with other Microsoft products. This allows businesses to deliver the right message to the right customer at the right time, which can help drive engagement and conversions.

In addition to segmentation, D365 Marketing also provides support for customer journeys. This allows businesses to create personalized, multi-step marketing campaigns that guide customers through the sales funnel and move them closer to a conversion. By providing a seamless, consistent experience across all channels, customer journeys can help businesses build stronger relationships with customers and improve their overall customer experience.

Finally, D365 Marketing includes lead scoring capabilities that allow businesses to prioritize their leads and focus their efforts on the most promising opportunities. Lead scoring uses a combination of customer data and behavior to assign a score to each lead, which indicates the likelihood that the lead will convert. This allows businesses to prioritize their follow-up efforts and focus on the leads that are most likely to result in a sale.

D365 Marketing’s segmentation, customer journey, and lead scoring capabilities can help businesses create targeted, personalized marketing campaigns that deliver outstanding results.

Overall, D365 Marketing is a powerful solution that can help businesses create and deliver personalized, data-driven campaigns across multiple channels. By providing advanced analytics and reporting, multi-channel support, and integration with other Microsoft products, D365 Marketing can help businesses engage with customers in new and effective ways.

D365 Service is a powerful, comprehensive solution that helps businesses deliver outstanding customer experiences. With a range of features and integrations, D365 Service can help your business improve its customer service operations and drive customer satisfaction.

Here are just a few of the key benefits of using D365 Service:

  • Improved efficiency: D365 Service provides a range of tools to help customer service teams work more efficiently and effectively. For example, it allows teams to manage cases, track service levels, and provide self-service options to customers, all from within a single, intuitive interface. This can help teams avoid duplication of effort and reduce the time and resources required to resolve customer issues.
  • Enhanced collaboration: D365 Service is designed to support collaboration and teamwork. It provides tools like shared calendars and task lists, as well as real-time notifications and alerts, to help customer service teams stay in sync and work together more effectively. This can help teams avoid duplication of effort and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Better customer insights: D365 Service integrates with other Microsoft products, like LinkedIn and Office 365, to provide a 360-degree view of your customers. This allows customer service teams to see all of the relevant information about a customer in one place, including their interactions with other departments and their past purchases. This can help teams provide more personalized, relevant experiences to customers.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: With D365 Service, customer service teams can focus on their core activities and work more efficiently, which can help drive customer satisfaction. The solution provides tools like case management, service level tracking, and self-service options, which can help teams resolve customer issues quickly and effectively. Additionally, its integration with LinkedIn and other products can help teams generate more leads and convert them into customers.
  • Flexible deployment options: D365 Service is available as a cloud-based solution or as an on-premises installation, so you can choose the deployment option that best suits your business needs. This allows you to take advantage of the benefits of D365 Service without having to make major changes to your IT infrastructure.

Overall, D365 Service is a powerful solution that can help your business improve its customer service operations and drive customer satisfaction. By providing a range of tools to help customer service teams work more efficiently and effectively, and by offering flexible deployment options, D365 Service can help your business deliver outstanding results.

D365 Field Service is a powerful, comprehensive solution that helps businesses manage their field service operations and deliver outstanding results. With a range of features and integrations, D365 Field Service can help your business improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its field service team.

Here are just a few of the key benefits of using D365 Field Service:

  • Improved productivity: D365 Field Service provides a range of tools to help field service teams work more efficiently and effectively. For example, it allows teams to manage their schedules, dispatch work, and track their progress, all from within a single, intuitive interface. This can help teams avoid duplication of effort and reduce the time and resources required to complete their work.
  • Enhanced collaboration: D365 Field Service is designed to support collaboration and teamwork. It provides tools like shared calendars and task lists, as well as real-time notifications and alerts, to help field service teams stay in sync and work together more effectively. This can help teams avoid duplication of effort and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Better customer insights: D365 Field Service integrates with other Microsoft products, like LinkedIn and Office 365, to provide a 360-degree view of your customers. This allows field service teams to see all of the relevant information about a customer in one place, including their interactions with other departments and their past purchases. This can help teams provide more personalized, relevant experiences to customers.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: With D365 Field Service, field service teams can focus on their core activities and work more efficiently, which can help drive customer satisfaction. The solution provides tools like scheduling, dispatch, and mobile capabilities, which can help teams complete their work quickly and effectively. Additionally, its integration with LinkedIn and other products can help teams generate more leads and convert them into customers.
  • Flexible deployment options: D365 Field Service is available as a cloud-based solution or as an on-premises installation, so you can choose the deployment option that best suits your business needs. This allows you to take advantage of the benefits of D365 Field Service without having to make major changes to your IT infrastructure.

Overall, D365 Field Service is a powerful solution that can help your business improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its field service team. By providing a range of tools to help field service teams work more efficiently and effectively, and by offering flexible deployment options, D365 Field Service can help your business deliver outstanding results.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Viva is a set of solutions designed to improve employee engagement and collaboration within an organization. These solutions are available as part of a subscription package, which can be purchased through a Microsoft partner or directly from Microsoft.

When it comes to sales, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Viva can be beneficial for organizations in several ways.

  • Improved sales team productivity: Viva Insights can provide personalized recommendations and insights to sales team members, which can help them stay productive and engaged.
  • Increased collaboration: Viva Topics and Viva Connections make it easy for sales team members to share information, collaborate on deals, and stay informed about what’s happening in the organization.
  • Better communication: Viva Connections includes a company-wide intranet, a directory of employees, and tools for organizing and hosting virtual events, which can help improve communication and organization among the sales team.
  • Increased customer engagement: Dynamics 365 Viva can help organizations to provide better customer engagement by providing personalized and relevant information to customers.
  • Better data analysis and reporting: Dynamics 365 Viva can be integrated with Dynamics 365 Sales, which provides sales data analysis and reporting, which can help sales teams to have a better understanding of their performance and customer behavior.

Overall, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Viva can help organizations to improve sales team productivity, increase collaboration, improve communication and customer engagement, and better data analysis and reporting.

Contact us

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how MC4Soft Technologies can help your business thrive with D365.